Foot Care Information Positive SSL Seal

    Page 1 of 7

  1. First Name(*)
    First Name is Required
  2. Last Name(*)
    Last Name is Required
  3. Date of Birth(*)
    / / Date of Birth is Required
  4. Address(*)
    Address is Required
  5. City(*)
    City is Required
  6. Postal Code(*)
    Postal Code is Required
  7. Phone Number(*)
    Please enter phone number in format 1234567890 or 123-456-7890
  8. Work Phone Number
    Please enter phone number in format 1234567890 or 123-456-7890
  9. Cell Phone
    Please enter phone number in format 1234567890 or 123-456-7890
  10. Email(*)
    Email Address is Required
  11. Employed By
    Invalid Input
  12. Occupation
    Invalid Input

    Page 2 of 7

  1. Shoe Size
    Invalid Input
  2. Shoe Width
    Invalid Input
  3. Heel Size
    Invalid Input
  4. Shoe Styles
    Invalid Input
  5. Height
    Invalid Input
  6. Weight
    Invalid Input
  7. Change in Weight in past two years
    Invalid Input
  8. Leisure Activities (Sports / Exercise)
    Invalid Input
  9. Children
    Invalid Input
  10. Their Ages
    Invalid Input
  11. Their Foot Problems
    Invalid Input

    Page 3 of 7

  1. Family Physician
    Invalid Input
  2. Date of Last Visit
    Invalid Input
  3. Address
    Invalid Input
  4. City
    Invalid Input
  5. Phone Numbers
    Invalid Input
  6. May we send a report for your foot evaluation
    Invalid Input
  7. Name of Health Insurer
    Invalid Input
  8. Have you had previous care by a foot specialist?
    Invalid Input
  9. Name
    Invalid Input
  10. Address
    Invalid Input
  11. Date of last visit
    Invalid Input
  12. Previous Foot X-ray
    Invalid Input
  13. When
    Invalid Input
  14. Where
    Invalid Input
  15. Were you standing
    Invalid Input

    Page 4 of 7

  1. My Foot Problems Involve My

    Invalid Input
  2. Briefly describe your current foot problems
    Invalid Input
  3. New patients are ofter referred by other physicians or enthusiastic patients and we like to thank them! Whom may we thank for referring you to our office?
  4. Name
    Invalid Input
  5. Address
    Invalid Input

    Page 5 of 7

  1. Are you in good health?
    Invalid Input
  2. Did anyone in your family have foot problems similar to yours?
    Invalid Input
  3. Have you been under a doctor's care in the past two years?
    Invalid Input
  4. If yes, when?
    Invalid Input
  5. Do your feet and/or legs cramp, fatigue, or strain easily?
    Invalid Input
  6. Do you have a history of lower back pain?
    Invalid Input
  7. Do your ankles turn or sprain easily?
    Invalid Input
  8. Are the backs or bottoms of your heels painful?
    Invalid Input
  9. Are you regularly tired or exhausted?
    Invalid Input
  10. Do you spend more than 30% of your time on your feet?
    Invalid Input
  11. Do you limit your activity because of your foot pain
    Invalid Input
  12. Do your feet or heels hurt in the morning?
    Invalid Input
  13. Do you smoke?
    Invalid Input
  14. If yes, how much per day?
    Invalid Input
  15. Do you drink alcoholic beverages?
    Invalid Input
  16. If yes, how much?
    Invalid Input
  17. Are you subject to prolonged bleeding?
    Invalid Input
  18. Is there a family history of DIABETES or ARTHIRITIS?
    Invalid Input
  19. Have you ever had a serious illness or operation?
    Invalid Input
  20. Have ever fainted in a doctor's office
    Invalid Input
  21. FEMALES: Are you pregnant?
    Invalid Input
  22. Have you ever tested positive for Hepatitis?
    Invalid Input
  23. Have you ever tested positive for HIV?
    Invalid Input
  24. Do you take ASPIRIN (ASA), COUMADIN or other blood thinners?
    Invalid Input
  25. Please indicate which blood thinner you take?
    Invalid Input

    Page 6 of 7

  1. Have you ever been treated for any of the following (Check all that apply)?
    Invalid Input
  2. Others
    Invalid Input
  3. Do you have allergies to any of the following (Check all that apply)?
    Invalid Input
  4. Others
    Invalid Input

    Page 7 of 7

  1. Acknowledgement: By placing my initials and date I hereby give my permission to Sight N' Steps to examine and treat my feet. I acknowledge that Chiropodist will charge a fees for services that is payable on completion on treatment.
  2. Acknowledgement Date(*)
    Acknowledgement Date is Required
  3. Acknowledgement Initials(*)
    Acknowledgement Initials are Required
  4. Do you want to submit additional foot care information form for family members (common information will be copied)?(*)
    Invalid Input
  5. Please enter the numbers in the image(*)
    Please enter the numbers in the image
      RefreshInvalid Input